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Domain Transfer: How To Transfer Your Domain To Another Company

Domain Transfer

If you want to transfer your domain to a different registrar, all of the following requirements must be met to complete the process.

Transfer requirements must all display green.

Important: If your domain is currently on hold, has expired, or is expiring within the next 10 days, please contact us for assistance. Attempting to transfer a domain that is on hold, expired, or expiring domain can sometimes cause unexpected complications, and we want to ensure that your domain transfer occurs smoothly.

It is extremely important that you confirm your domain admin email address before proceeding.
You must be able to receive your Auth-Code to transfer your domain. You will use this code to confirm ownership with the new registrar.

Your domain contact information can be accessed on the left.

Contact information link

It is mandatory that you have access to the Administrative email address in order for a successful transfer. You can view and edit your email address to each tab individually or all at once, depending on which tab you have selected. 

Contact information
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How to transfer your domain to another registrar

  1. Log in to your Domains Dashboard

    Login to your Domains Dashboard
  2. On the dashboard, select the domain name you wish to transfer.
    There are two views in the Domains dashboard - the Card and List views. Click on the view icons to switch to your preferred view.
    Card and List view
  3. Choose the domain that you want to transfer. 
    In the Card view, click the domain's Manage button.

    Domain Dashboard - Card View

    In List view, click the domain or its gear icon on the right-hand side.

    Domain Dashboard - List View

  4. Click on Transfers in the left-hand menu.
    Domain transfers
  5. Make sure that the Transfer Requirements are met, showing green. Again, please double-check your email address if it is correct before clicking the 'Email Auth-Code' button.
    Domain transfers

  6. Note: For the visually impaired: If you see this message below the button, all requirements have not been met.

    Requirements not met
  7. Click the Email Auth-Code button, and you will see a brief confirmation message.
    Requirements not met
  8. Once Auth-Code has been received, you can start transferring your domain to your new registrar by putting the Auth-Code to your new account with them or simply communicating with their Support Specialist.

Pro Tip: Once the auth-code is generated and sent to the gaining registrar, it would usually take 5-7days or, depending on the gaining registrar's domain transfer timeline, to be transferred completely.

Pro Tip: Once in a while, a legitimate email goes to your spam folder instead of your inbox. We recommend you check your spam folder if the Auth-Code has been sent there by mistake.

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Want to Transfer a Domain In?

Our domain transfer process is highly automated and designed to ensure that transferring a domain name is as easy as possible while causing no downtime to your website. Transfer your domain in now.

Domain Transfers are FREE. A domain must already be registered with another Registrar in order to begin. We do not charge any extra fees when transferring a domain from another registrar; however, ICANN requires a one-year extension to a domain when transferred to a new host. With this extension/renewal of the domain, we charge the typical renewal fee. The time from now until the current expiration date will be transferred for FREE, so no time paid for is lost.

Pro Tip: If you keep your domain with us, you can protect your personal info with Domain Privacy + Protection. It’s the fast, easy, and affordable way to keep competitors, salespeople, and thieves from accessing your domain and personal information.