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Online Security: SiteLock Reputation Management

SiteLock Reputation Management FAQ

What is a website's "reputation"?

A website's 'reputation' refers to its general standing with major search engines and anti-spam services across the internet. Your website's reputation will gradually increase over time as it remains clean of malware and spam activity. Quickly resolving any issues that occur can also improve your website's reputation.

How do I increase my website's reputation?

  • Use an SSL on your website.
  • Ensure that your website's SSL remains valid (not expired).
  • Avoid spamming. Resolve any issues you may have with major spam list companies.
  • Protect your website against malware. Avoid getting blacklisted by major search engines.

How does SiteLock help me manage my website's reputation?

  • Regularly scans to verify that your SSL is valid. You receive reminders if your SSL certificate expires soon.
  • Checks major spam lists and notifies you if your website is listed on any of them.
  • Monitors search engine blacklists and notify you if your website is on any of them.

How much time could SiteLock save me when managing my online reputation?

SiteLock helps to prevent reputation issues in the first place, saving you the time required to recover from issues. It also monitors your reputation for you, saving you the time needed to control everything yourself on a regular basis. SiteLock also makes it easier to discover issues as soon as they happen, making it easier to recover from problems before they escalate and become worse over time.

If you have further questions, please contact us at 844-589-5309
Our friendly security specialists will be more than happy to assist you.