Domain Transfer
Your domain will love it here
Transfer your domain for as low as $9.99 and get free registration for 1 year.
Transfer your domain name to a new host. Just like that.
Our transfer process is highly automated and designed to ensure your site doesn't go down in the meantime. Take a look at just how easy we've made the process for you.
Transferring to is step-by-step simple
Unlock your domain
Visit your current registrar and unlock the domain you plan to transfer.
Find it on
Come back to our site and search for your domain using the domain transfer tool.
Get your authorization code
Enter the code you receive from your previous registrar to confirm the transfer.
Sit back and wait
That's it! We'll take it from here. Your transfer will be complete within 5-7 days.
Before you start your domain transfer, make sure that:
- The domain is not expiring soon.
- The domain has been registered elsewhere for at least 60 days.
- Protection against a transfer is disabled on the domain.
- The admin's contact information is up to date.
- You have an authorization code to initiate the transfer.
Why transfer to
From starting your website to growing your brand, we've got your back.
Automatic & easy
Just give us permission to do the transfer, and we'll take care of the rest. Nothing complicated about it.
Locked down
We'll protect your domain from any unauthorized transfers or hijacks by locking it down until you tell us otherwise.
URL forwarding
You can always set up domain forwarding — which allows you to redirect traffic from one domain to another.
DNS management
Retain total control over the DNS for the life of your domain name registration — we guarantee it.
Email forwarding
Automatically forward email addresses under your domain to any other valid email address.
24/7 support
If you have any questions about your domain transfer, our helpful & friendly support team is always available at 1-800-403-3568 1-800-403-3568.
Top-level domain transfer pricing
Whatever your domain, we've got you covered.
Transfer starting at $9.99
Transfer starting at $12.99
Transfer starting at $14.99
Transfer starting at $14.99
Transfer starting at $29.99
Transfer starting at $39.99
Transfer starting at $44.99
Transfer starting at $29.99
Transfer starting at $8.99
Frequently asked questions
- A trusted name since 2000, we know a thing or two about managing domains and our over 2 million customers can attest to that. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure and helpful support staff ensure you'll have an overall superior experience as we help you manage everything domain related.
- As long as the domain has been registered for at least 60 days, and you have full control of the domain at the current registrar, there should be no issues with the process. Please refer to the full domain transfer checklist up above.
- To start your domain transfer, simply enter the domain name into the box at the top of this page and you'll be guided through the process. Make sure your domain is in an unlocked state, that you have the authorization code, and that your contact info is up to date with your current registrar. For more details on how to do this, check out our helpful guide on transferring your domain.
- A domain transfer usually takes about 5-7 days to complete. There are a few variables involved — including the cooperation of the prior registrar, and the domain owner ensuring the domain is unlocked with the correct authorization code provided.
- In short, no. During the transfer process, you aren't able to change WHOIS registration information, update your nameservers, or renew the domain subscription. But not to worry, these changes can all be easily done after the transfer is complete.
- Domains can be locked in order to prevent unauthorized domain transfers. While some domain providers give you tools to unlock the domain yourself, others will require you to contact them to have your domain unlocked. In some cases, the domain will not be unlocked due to special circumstances. This can include your domain name having been transferred or registered in the last 60 days, or if your domain name was locked due to an ongoing investigation or dispute.
- In most circumstances, your domain's expiration date won't change when you transfer it. But some specialized top-level domains, such as ccTLDs, may carry their own set of rules so you should check with your registrar before you start any transfer.
- You can find your domain's information with a WHOIS lookup. Our WHOIS lookup tool lets you search for any domain and find critical domain information.
Want to learn more?
We’ve got you covered. Here's a few articles about website transfers we think you'll find pretty helpful:
Transferring Domain Name Ownership: Everything You Need to Know